The Voyage Begins

Today we’re excited to launch Voyage into open beta! Voyage is the first platform for discovering, playing and ultimately creating AI powered experiences and games.

Players have long dreamed of experiences that are dynamic and alive, where they can freely interact with characters and make their own choices, rather than just following the linear path set by developers. AI Dungeon was the first experience to show that this vision is possible, opening up a whole new set of possibilities.

With today’s launch players will get access to the first batch of the many unique AI experiences that we’ve built over the past year. Soon after we’ll be releasing access to the creator tools that we used to make Voyage come to life. We believe that by sharing these tools, countless creators will be able to build experiences more amazing than anything we could imagine. We’re incredibly excited to see what they will build.

We wouldn’t be here, launching a new platform and journeying towards a broader vision, without the support and feedback from the AI Dungeon community. You have believed in us, helped us know how we needed to improve, and ultimately brought us to where we are today. We’re extremely grateful for all of you that have supported us and helped us become better.

To learn more about Voyage and try some of its pioneer experiences check it out at See you there!