Ryan Seamons

4 posts
Jan 21, 2022

New Dragon Beta!

Since we changed the model provider from OpenAI to AI21 for Dragon, we know there have been a number of users that have been frustrated with some issues on the new Dragon. We’

Dec 31, 2021

More Dragon Updates

A few weeks ago we announced some updates to our Dragon models due to content policy changes by OpenAI. The vast majority of players opted to transition to our new Dragon model (Dragon-21)

Dec 9, 2021

AI Dungeon 2D Beta

AI Dungeon 2D Beta

From the beginning of AI Dungeon we’ve dreamed of the future of living dynamic experiences built with AI. Just as games in the past started with text and moved to more immersive

Sep 30, 2021

Our Shift to the Walls Approach

Our Shift to the Walls Approach

Ever since I created the first version of AI Dungeon at a hackathon in 2019 we’ve constantly had to create our own playbook for what this new evolution of AI-powered experiences should